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Payment policy:

  • To secure your booking, you must provide your payment details when making a request.

  • Once we confirm the booking details, we’ll send you an email with your booking confirmation.

  • 30 days before arrival, we will charge 50% of your total booking amount, the remaining balance will be charged upon check-in.

Cancellation policy:

  • You can cancel or modify your booking for free up to 30 days before arrival.

  • If you cancel between 30 and 15 days before arrival, we will charge 50% of the total booking amount.

  • If you cancel within 15 days of arrival or do not show up, you will be charged 100% of the booking amount.

  • If you have previously canceled a booking with us in the past 3 months, we will charge 50% of your total booking amount at the time of your next reservation.

PS: Because we understand that some circumstances are out of your control, if someone books your room for the period you had to cancel, we will refund you for the nights that are rebooked.

House rules:

Please note that when you book a room at Pitaya Coliving, you agree with the house rules.